domenica 16 settembre 2012

New Virtuemart Reward Points Extension

Virtuemart Rewards Points

This is the best-seller Virtuemart Extension: the Virtuemart Reward Points: funny to use, both for sellers than for customers, easy to install and setup. And it guarantees a real customer retention and selling improving. It enable a fidelity reward points program system, with many bonuses rules and options. Customers will earn points from total order amounts and/or from product custom points (with CSVI import/export!). It works both stand-alone than in combination with AlphaUserPoints, enabling a total compatibility with JomSocial component. Virtuemart Reward Points extension enable also a credit point systems (*required the Credit Points Extension), to sell images, musics, mp3, videos and subscription services with credit points in Virtuemart and Joomla. Customers can buy credits to purchase "regular" product. When purchasing credits, they will be able to pay with 'regular' Virtuemart payments (as paypal, and when purchasing 'regular' products, they will be forced to pay with credit points - hiding the other payments.

Tracking Virtuemart to Google Analytics

Virtuemart Tracking Extension is the final solution to track virtuemart conversion in Google Analytics.
It tracks both joomla user traffic than virtuemart activity, conversions, orders with a complete list of products and SKU-code to Google Analytics. For each conversion Virtuemart Tracking Extension stores to Google Analytics the referral, source, order number, customer city, countries, and so on. And obviously the order amount and the list of products, categories, sku... Available for both Virtuemart 1.1.x than Virtuemart 2, it also performs the inverse procedure for refunded orders. It works with a innovative _utf.gif request, so it's made in PHP not only in javascript, and it works even when javascript is not enabled: that's the case for mobile devices and when a Istant Paying Notification from web-services as Paypal or or Neteller returns the confirmation of payment on your server. In this way, the Virtuemart Tracking Extension is able to track both "manual" (bank-money transferts, paying on shipping) than web-based payment (Paypal, credit cards,, neteller...). This is the final solution to track Virtuemart, and it works damn well!

domenica 1 aprile 2012

Virtuemart extension punti fedeltà

Finalmente è disponibile virtuemart extension rewards points l'estensione per virtuemart che mancava per rendere un e.commerce joomla+virtuemart capace di rivaleggiare con i blasonati open-cart e presta-shop. E' una suite per gestire i punti fedeltà e le promozioni per i clienti. Gli utenti guadagnano punti dal totale degli ordini, da quanti ordini effettuano, c'è persino un bonus per il numero di ordini globale del negozio. Il cambio dei punti in denaro è libero e semplicissimo, basta specificare la quantità di punti da cambiare e viene restituito il relativo codice coupon da utilizzare nel carrello. Consiglio a tutti quest'estensione sia per facilità di utilizzo e settaggio che per utilità pratica in un sistema di promozioni professionale per il vostro e-commerce basato su joomla e virtuemart.